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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

They say without your health you have nothing

Well, I disagree to a point. I've had some rough health issues and I think I have a lot in life. So since this typing it out, remembering and reading it process is cathartic here I go.

Bad habits, risks:
1. I smoke. Sorry, but I do and don't think I'll quit. I quit for 5 months once and didn't like it.
2. I live(d) on hamburgers. When I was 19 and on my first job I had my cholesterol taken. It was 250. I made a joke out of having a cholesterol equal to a 55yr old man.
3. Drugs - well I've done very few and not a lot of any. Mainly the tree, and the black rocks (hashish) and until recently not for 19 years. (but since Keith Richards is still alive is this a risk?)
4. Alcohol - I actually took a year off during my 20's to prove I wasn't an alcoholic and am pretty much an occasional drinker.
5. Exercise - didn't like the sweat thingy when I was young. I had kids and became more active.
6. Body type - I'm relatively thin still, sorta. I am fairly tall (5'8") with extremely long thin legs, thin arms, quite large oobies. They only problem area is my belly. I was never concave, but flatish when I was younger. I've put on some weight since my health problems and it's all in the oobies and belly - legs and arms still thin (oh and my rear is practically non-existent).
7. Heredity - Mom died at 52 of heart, Dad at 63. Siblings healthy except brother who died of aids. Grandma lived to 94, grandpa died at 47 from complications of job (firefighter). Other grandma lived to late 80's, grandpa 89.

Now, when I was on my 5 month sabbatical from smoking I was looking for a place to put the nicotine patch and noticed a lump on my back. This was around 1990. It was removed but was not anything to worry about.

Then I went through 2 1/2 years of having kidney stones every 6 months. Suddenly, they didn't come again.

Then in 1998 I started having some strange feelings in my head. I don't get headaches so it wasn't that. It was a zing, like if you put your tongue on a 9-volt battery. Come to find out I had a brain tumor, non-cancerous mass in my right forehead area. Dangers of removing it - if it had wrapped around my main artery I could have a stroke when they removed it and the possibility of being blind in one eye. Now that was scary (I was also going through my divorce). It was removed and all is well there - still. I was kinda funny having no hair on the right side and the staples were viscous looking.

Then 3 months post-brain surgery I had my gallbladder removed. No biggie, lots of people do that.

Then a non-health related tragedy - our house caught on fire on Christmas eve in '02. More on that in another post.

Then in '04, it was a night like many others. I was home rushing around to do some chores before I went out to eat with my new Dbf when suddenly I went flying through the air and fell on my hip. Yep, broke it. Repaired with three screws 24 hours later. I am really too young to have a broken hip (51). It hasn't healed well and I have trouble daily.

Then last year my Dbf ends up in the hospital for 2 weeks. His sugar was out of control and he developed a staph infection. He almost died and I was so distraught. The day he gets out I start having, what I though was, heartburn. Well later that evening I end up in the hospital with a major heart attack.

Phew - so my questions to you all are:

1. How's your health
2. Do you worry about it often? Did you ever think about it when you were younger?
3. Do you do the 'right' things to prevent such illnesses (like eat right, limit alcohol/drugs, exercise)?
4. Do you think health is lifestyle or heredity?
5. Is this just a bump in my road and I'll live for many years (like the tarot card reader in NO told me)?
6. Since hip replacements lasts 5-15 years, should I have one now and the hell with it when I'm 60ish and possibly can't walk, 'cause I need to enjoy myself now when I'm young, in a relatively young way!
7. Why can't I stop smoking when I know it's so bad for me?


Blogger Sonya said...

1. Health is good so far. Next week we start testing to make babies so ask me after that. LOL!
2. Don't worry about it often, but should. Mom is a bad diabetic and I should prolly start watching it now.
3. Yes.
4. Both can contribute.

11:27 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Yikes. You've been through the ringer.
I am a hypochondriac and worry constantly. But I never do the right things to prevent anything. I smoke, drink, smoke pot, eat bad food and never excercise. I really need to do something about all of that. *sigh*

12:44 PM  
Blogger Lasann said...

Sonya, What tests are you having?

Carey, How's your dad. I remember he was in the hospital. Are your parents healthy?

I sometimes think that it is more heredity. Again, look at Keith Richards

1:27 PM  
Blogger Chrissy (woe) said...

Hi Lasann! Thanks for the link ;-) And for tagging me :D

I stay pretty healthy because I am allergic to so many medications and all the anti-biotics so illness is not really an option for me-it could prove fatal.

I think it is both lifestyle and hereditary, the genetics you can't change but a healthy lifestyle we do have control over.

I don't really worry about it but I am VERY familiar with holistic approaches should something come up.

I don't drink but I am a coffee and cigarette ho and I tend to eat fairly sensibly, including NO red meat (ewwww).

I have been through alot of physical and emotional trauma over the years but not so apt to catch the colds and stuff. I can so relate to what you have posted.


2:02 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

Wow! You have been through A LOT! You've shown that you are truly a survivor.

1. How's your health?
At this time, my health is fine. Almost 6 months since I stopped smoking.

2. Do you worry about it often?
Did you ever think about it when you were younger?
I constantly worry about my health. Not at all when I was younger.

3. Do you do the 'right' things to prevent such illnesses (like eat right, limit alcohol/drugs, exercise)?
I finally quit smoking, I've started walking, I don't eat red meat and I rarely drink alcohol and don't take drugs.

4. Do you think health is lifestyle or heredity?
A little of both, although probably leaning a little more towards heredity.

5. Is this just a bump in my road and I'll live for many years (like the tarot card reader in NO told me)?
Could be. I once went out with some coworkers. One of them read palms. He read everyone's then got to mine. After looking at my lifeline, he didn't want to continue. Freaked me out. I asked him to explain and he refused.

6. Since hip replacements lasts 5-15 years, should I have one now and the hell with it when I'm 60ish and possibly can't walk, 'cause I need to enjoy myself now when I'm young, in a relatively young way!
Hmmmmm only you can answer that one. If you are about quality of life and living for the moment, then go have the hip replacement now.

7. Why can't I stop smoking when I know it's so bad for me?
Cause it tastes so damn good LOL. Mind you, if I'd have been through everything you have, I'm not sure whether I would be able to quit smoking. Talk about stressful times!


2:30 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Wow. *hugs*
1. It's ok. Since my gallbladder was removed I feel better. I could loose about 30 lbs, but all my stuff is normal.

2. I've always worried a little, but felt too young to have anything major happen. Now I'm almost 30 & it worries me more. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at 38, died at 44.

3. NO. I need to exercise more. I'm doing much better at eating more fruits & veggies. More of an occassional drinker, don't smoke.

4. Mostly heredity, but can swig either way with lifestyle.

5. Bump!

6. Replace it!

7. It's called addiction for a reason.

3:33 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Thank you for asking. Dad is finally pretty much back to his good health. My Mom is a diabetic so I have that going for me too. For the most part though, I come from a pretty healthy family.

7:40 PM  
Blogger Sonya said...

Just passing through to say Happy Hump Day!

9:48 AM  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

Boy, you've certainly been through a lot in the last few years!

1. How's your health?
Pretty good, I suppose.

2. Do you worry about it often?
Did you ever think about it when you were younger?
Not really.

3. Do you do the 'right' things to prevent such illnesses (like eat right, limit alcohol/drugs, exercise)?

4. Do you think health is lifestyle or heredity?

5. Is this just a bump in my road and I'll live for many years (like the tarot card reader in NO told me)?
Not sure.

6. Since hip replacements lasts 5-15 years, should I have one now and the hell with it when I'm 60ish and possibly can't walk, 'cause I need to enjoy myself now when I'm young, in a relatively young way!
Not really sure.

7. Why can't I stop smoking when I know it's so bad for me?
I don't know. If you find out, tell me.

Gee... I wasn't much help with those answers, huh?

4:47 PM  

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