Sometimes when you have a stressful day or week you need some silliness to break up the day. Here is your dose.. follow the instructions to find your new name.
The following is an excerpt from a children’s book, “Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants” by Dave Pilkey. The evil professor forces everyone to assume new names:
Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name:
A=poopsie B=lumpy C=buttercup D=gidget E=crusty F=greasy G=fluffy H=cheeseball I=chim-chim J=stinky K=flunky L=boobie M=pinky N=zippy O=goober P=doofus Q=slimy R=loopy S=snotty T=tootie U=dorkey V=squeezit W=oprah X=skipper Y=dinky Z=zsa-zsa Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
A=apple B=toilet C=giggle D=burger E=girdle F=barf G=lizard H=waffle I=cootie J=monkey K=potty L=liver M=banana N=rhino O=bubble P=hamster Q=toad R=gizzard S=pizza T=gerbil U=chicken V=pickle W=chuckle X=tofu Y=gorilla Z=stinker
Use the fourth letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
A=head B=mouth C=face D=nose E=tush F=breath G=pants H=shorts I=lips J=honker K=butt L=brain M=tushie N=chunks O=hiney P=biscuits Q=toes R=buns S=fanny T=sniffer U=sprinkles V=kisser W=squirt X=humperdinck Y=brains Z=juice
Dorkey Liver-Nose
Just call me Tootie Girdle-Sniffer.
Crusty Chicken-Butt
Well, I hyphenate my last name, so does that mean I get 2?
Chim-chim Bubble-Tush if I use my hubby's last name and Chim-chim Girdle-Butt if I use my maiden name.
Boobie Girdle-Chunks here. I have the same last name as Buggy, so we're the sistahs Girdle-Chunks.
I did this awhile back. Isn't it fun.
Waaahhh! I don't like mine!
Lumpy Girdle-Nose!
I'm ChimChim Cootietushie.
Lucky me.
Hey! Now Nutz and I have the same first name! Kewl.
Seana! Your tushie has cooties? Whoda thunk it! *grin*
Loopy Gorilla Hiney. Nice to meet you. *smooch*
Just popped in to say Happy St. Patty's Day to everyone!
Well I think i'll stop at oouuu for my first name...can I buy a consonant please?
Those were cute but Puffy's gives the best visual: Tootie Girdle-Sniffer
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