My turn - the good and bad of OT
First of all I'd like to say that these are just my impressions fueled by my insecurities, feelings and moral outlook. I don't mean to make anyone feel bad or like they did anything on purpose.
I found RWTV during BB5, I believe. I get so wrapped up in BB. My kids and now my bf think I'm unstable in that when it's over I feel like I've lost a part of my life. I don't know why I get so wrapped up, swear every year I won't, but I do and will again. I saw OT mentioned but had no idea what OT was. By luck I found my way there. "What a bunch of funny, witty peeps", I thought. I remember Kimmah and her spectabulous hair. Then the electrion threads started and I am so political. My whole morality, deep beliefs, and who I am is wrapped up in my political views. It's no surprise that PRE's comments and views piss me off. I just find his tone so superior. His posts say to me "I'm so above all of you and my views are right and you foolish people are all going to hell". He can protest that he doesn't mean to appear this way but time after time of hearing "That's why us conservatives don't get (understand, like) you liburals" the message is clear. It is true that I was getting more knee jerking with each one and finally realized I needed to get away. But before I did I got into the SS gift exchange and that was so fun. As some have said in Carey's blog, there were just so many posters that I couldn't keep them all straight. Beside Kimmah and Nutz, the rest are a blur.
Then BB6 came along and I found myself on RWTV again and, after it was over, I wondered into the minefield that is OT. I found so much humor, quick wit there and would laugh much more than IRL. I told myself that I wouldn't read any of PREs posts or responses. Then the whole gay marriage threads and, by god, I got so upset again. The first one I remember had HD so upset.
Side note - I've always been great at jumping in with both feet when I think someone I like is being mistreated - jumping in for myself, not so much.
I got so mad and angry and started my snipping. Then Carey was hurt and I got even angrier. Then PRE and I had an email exchange which was nasty. (The worms up my ass is a classic and lets me have a smile when I think of those posts.)
Then (remember these are my feelings and now I know they are irrational) when I was defending (I thought) HD (which is kinda funny 'cause he can defend himself much more eloquently-sp than I ever could) I felt he went cold on me. He no longer answered my red flaggy things. I felt hurt. (HD - now I can see that I wasn't helping the situation by getting nasty and knee jerking and calling out Pre and Rulz. But in my mind, at the time, I felt that I was defending all my gay friends and my brother.) Then I pulled out of the SS gift exchange for two reasons: 1. I was afraid that I'd get PRE, and 2. no one there liked me anyway.
Since then, except for Cary, Syren, CSTL, Nutz and a few others no one commented to me even when I purposely tried to get a response, with a compliment or such. So , instead of examining what I did to cause this, I just decided that everyone was rude and clickish. Then when other peeps felt slighted I jumped on that band wagon. I guess that I was making a click of "the slighted" so to speak. Then there was the dislike of AB that became obvious. Altho I found some of her posts cutting, I didn't find them that offensive. Her heart seems to be in the right place, her words kinda awkward. GF Doo has expressed her feelings which I relate to also.
Side note: My like/dislike of people is usually around what I see in their heart. I'm not the type that can disagree on value issues and still proclaim friendship with a person. By values I mean, I can and will never be friends with a predjudiced person, whether the predjudice is racial, religious, sexual oriented. That is a core belief in my heart. A religious person can believe that being gay is a sin but in their hearts like gays and believe that gays deserve the same rights as (what do I call us) ungay and I can be their friend. If they believe being gay is a sin and that gays should rightly be discriminated against - then I could never be a friend. I, most of the time, can be sorta friendly around them, but if the "vomit of their feelings" start coming out. 99.9% of the time the fight (figuratively 'cause I'm a wimp physically) is on. Insert in the above any ethnic group or religious group.
So that's what I mean about AB's posts and that her heart was in the right place. I know some of you greatly dislike her and that's ok.
I missed the banning while "boycotting" OT but I did realize some peeps were gone, especially Kimmah since I remembered her. And nothing could get me to the 2nd other place because if I don't cut down my visiting of OT and blobs to a reasonable amount my life will be sleep, OT, blogs - repeat!
I must admit that I still get some of you mixed up, for instance it took a long time to know who was Augie and who was Arkie (could you have more similar names). I've got a firm hold on Arkie now but Augie let's see - you were born in August and are really cute and live in .. It's no offense (I kinda feel I've dug a hole with this) Augie but, as was said on Carey's blog there are so many but after I post this you will be engraved in my memory 'cause I'm visiting blogs and OT so that I can answer a quiz about you. (Gosh this isn't going well.) To me it's like finding myself in a high school of 1000 others and trying to catch up. I sorta know you all, want to know you more, enjoy your posts (and especially your blogs) but except for a few everyone else is lumped into a group of people I find funny and like but haven't got a hold on the individuality yet. (Is this making sense).
Anyway back to OT and feeling left out - after reading Carey's blog it all made sense to me. For those of you who don't want to hurt feelings, we all will understand that none of us can reply to everyone. I will visit all the blogs I can, when i can, comment when I can 'cause when it comes right down to it we do it (visit blogs and OT) for ourselves. We do it for entertainment, to find people like us, to find people unlike us. And when we bond with another it enriches our lives.
Now if you are still here and awake - 'top of the morning to ya' it's almost St. Patrick's day and I'm always green!
All grammar errors and spelling errors are dedicated to: who is it again? The grammar police person?
I found RWTV during BB5, I believe. I get so wrapped up in BB. My kids and now my bf think I'm unstable in that when it's over I feel like I've lost a part of my life. I don't know why I get so wrapped up, swear every year I won't, but I do and will again. I saw OT mentioned but had no idea what OT was. By luck I found my way there. "What a bunch of funny, witty peeps", I thought. I remember Kimmah and her spectabulous hair. Then the electrion threads started and I am so political. My whole morality, deep beliefs, and who I am is wrapped up in my political views. It's no surprise that PRE's comments and views piss me off. I just find his tone so superior. His posts say to me "I'm so above all of you and my views are right and you foolish people are all going to hell". He can protest that he doesn't mean to appear this way but time after time of hearing "That's why us conservatives don't get (understand, like) you liburals" the message is clear. It is true that I was getting more knee jerking with each one and finally realized I needed to get away. But before I did I got into the SS gift exchange and that was so fun. As some have said in Carey's blog, there were just so many posters that I couldn't keep them all straight. Beside Kimmah and Nutz, the rest are a blur.
Then BB6 came along and I found myself on RWTV again and, after it was over, I wondered into the minefield that is OT. I found so much humor, quick wit there and would laugh much more than IRL. I told myself that I wouldn't read any of PREs posts or responses. Then the whole gay marriage threads and, by god, I got so upset again. The first one I remember had HD so upset.
Side note - I've always been great at jumping in with both feet when I think someone I like is being mistreated - jumping in for myself, not so much.
I got so mad and angry and started my snipping. Then Carey was hurt and I got even angrier. Then PRE and I had an email exchange which was nasty. (The worms up my ass is a classic and lets me have a smile when I think of those posts.)
Then (remember these are my feelings and now I know they are irrational) when I was defending (I thought) HD (which is kinda funny 'cause he can defend himself much more eloquently-sp than I ever could) I felt he went cold on me. He no longer answered my red flaggy things. I felt hurt. (HD - now I can see that I wasn't helping the situation by getting nasty and knee jerking and calling out Pre and Rulz. But in my mind, at the time, I felt that I was defending all my gay friends and my brother.) Then I pulled out of the SS gift exchange for two reasons: 1. I was afraid that I'd get PRE, and 2. no one there liked me anyway.
Since then, except for Cary, Syren, CSTL, Nutz and a few others no one commented to me even when I purposely tried to get a response, with a compliment or such. So , instead of examining what I did to cause this, I just decided that everyone was rude and clickish. Then when other peeps felt slighted I jumped on that band wagon. I guess that I was making a click of "the slighted" so to speak. Then there was the dislike of AB that became obvious. Altho I found some of her posts cutting, I didn't find them that offensive. Her heart seems to be in the right place, her words kinda awkward. GF Doo has expressed her feelings which I relate to also.
Side note: My like/dislike of people is usually around what I see in their heart. I'm not the type that can disagree on value issues and still proclaim friendship with a person. By values I mean, I can and will never be friends with a predjudiced person, whether the predjudice is racial, religious, sexual oriented. That is a core belief in my heart. A religious person can believe that being gay is a sin but in their hearts like gays and believe that gays deserve the same rights as (what do I call us) ungay and I can be their friend. If they believe being gay is a sin and that gays should rightly be discriminated against - then I could never be a friend. I, most of the time, can be sorta friendly around them, but if the "vomit of their feelings" start coming out. 99.9% of the time the fight (figuratively 'cause I'm a wimp physically) is on. Insert in the above any ethnic group or religious group.
So that's what I mean about AB's posts and that her heart was in the right place. I know some of you greatly dislike her and that's ok.
I missed the banning while "boycotting" OT but I did realize some peeps were gone, especially Kimmah since I remembered her. And nothing could get me to the 2nd other place because if I don't cut down my visiting of OT and blobs to a reasonable amount my life will be sleep, OT, blogs - repeat!
I must admit that I still get some of you mixed up, for instance it took a long time to know who was Augie and who was Arkie (could you have more similar names). I've got a firm hold on Arkie now but Augie let's see - you were born in August and are really cute and live in .. It's no offense (I kinda feel I've dug a hole with this) Augie but, as was said on Carey's blog there are so many but after I post this you will be engraved in my memory 'cause I'm visiting blogs and OT so that I can answer a quiz about you. (Gosh this isn't going well.) To me it's like finding myself in a high school of 1000 others and trying to catch up. I sorta know you all, want to know you more, enjoy your posts (and especially your blogs) but except for a few everyone else is lumped into a group of people I find funny and like but haven't got a hold on the individuality yet. (Is this making sense).
Anyway back to OT and feeling left out - after reading Carey's blog it all made sense to me. For those of you who don't want to hurt feelings, we all will understand that none of us can reply to everyone. I will visit all the blogs I can, when i can, comment when I can 'cause when it comes right down to it we do it (visit blogs and OT) for ourselves. We do it for entertainment, to find people like us, to find people unlike us. And when we bond with another it enriches our lives.
Now if you are still here and awake - 'top of the morning to ya' it's almost St. Patrick's day and I'm always green!
All grammar errors and spelling errors are dedicated to: who is it again? The grammar police person?
Hi Lasann,
FWIW, (I haven't read your whole post yet), but, although our beliefs are very different and mine are more in line with PRE's than yours, I have always liked you and would respond to you in OT.
My policy is to respond whenever I can, well really whenever I can make a joke! I've always tried to be an equal opportunity poster.
So *smooches* to you. That's all!
(sorry, I didn't have anything witty to say)
MTW - thanks for the kind words. I've never gotten the impression that you are as, shall I say, unwavering as he
appears especially the disdain for people that I feel from him. You are a great addition to OT and blog land and *cheek kiss back at ya*
Hey Lasann! I am glad you wrote where you are coming from. I am very glad that you joined the blog world as well. It is a huge committment here to stay on top of things!
What I mean though is that for myself I don't have the time to go around everyday but when I do it is a big source of entertainment for me and somewhat of a lifeline for me from being home all day with 2 little kids and a hubby who works and goes to school at night!
I don't knwo what I am saying. I am just gonna be goofy.
*frost heaves*
Yes, it is hard to go around to all. I can't believe that it is 10:27 in the evening and I'm still here. I hate to jump on the "I'm taking a break" bandwagon but I will be here less.
Ok, frost heaves, wwhhaatt?
Thanks Lasann, this has helped me in getting to know you better. I was posting on the BB boards back when you were new (remember Cookie Hahnster?) and I do remember seeing you.
Like others have admitted, I am guilty of being somewhat indifferent to newer peeps. I don't know why I am, and I guess it's better to just be super friendly, and then wait and see who they turn out to be. (in the beginning, I've befriended a couple newbies who turned out to be rather odd, to say the least)
Anyways, now that you're here, (blogging) and I'm not at OT as much, I suspect we'll get to know eachother better. I'm enjoying the whole (non-exclusive) blog world more and more.
*waves* Hey! I got a shout-out! *giggles*
Isn't this what is so wonderful about the blogs vs. OT? You can feel free to express yourself. I felt a lot of what you do too. I won't even go near a political thread! I think they should have a completely different forum just for that.
I'm telling Coco. She is going to put you on a time out due to grammar and spelling. :P
Thanks for posting your story, Lasann. It gave me some things to think about. I'm glad that you got things worked out with HD and glad that you decided to return to OT. And I'm especially glad that you made it to the blogworld.
Doesn't it feel good to get some things out in the open?
In the meantime, Augie likes cheesecake and Arkie has a new obsession with posting pictures of sheep. That should help to clear things up. :P
To help clear things up a little more, Augie uses capitalization on her name, I don't. And she spells Girl out completely. I have issues with the letter I, and left it out. (That's actually a sort of joke that goes along with the spelling of my real name.)
But to muddle it some, I was also born in the month of August. *grin*
Happy Monday!
Lasann, first of all, I *heart* you and have felt everything you are talking about.
I have been so busy with work for so long I missed most of the events you spoke about but it has pretty much always been that way, maybe with different peeps, but heated in those deep end threads, which I never commented in. I still don't manage to stumble into OT very often so I may never have commented on your threads but not because of any lack of feelings for you, but only because I look for certain topics (like where in the world the banana is or what is going on with the upcoming peep meet).
As for the "other new place" I have no clue what or where it is.
I don't often comment in the blogs either since I want to read so many of them and commenting takes time. But I adore you and wanted to say thank you for the Colorado pics, just a slice of home for this islandbound soul. When I saw the first one of Manitou Springs I was thrilled and new exactly where that was taken.
You rock chicky! *smooch* Chrissy
Funny, I always get confused with Arkie and qwertypie *grin*
I get confused between Byoffer and Bystander. *grin*
Hey Lasann,
Who knew we had SO much in common?
Ditto... on a whole whack o' things.
I really appreciate your honesty.
Cheers to you,
Happy Hump Day!
I'm late to the party, but just want to give you *hugs* for laying this all out.
It's funny, but as a pretty firm moderate, I find liberals and conservatives can both sound very superior on OT, so I rarely get involved in political discussions. I sometimes lean with the conservs, sometimes with the libs...and that seems to piss people off, or give them the wrong impression. It gets so emotional.
Hey Lasann,
Did you really send me red flaggy things?! I checked my inbox and I don't see any messages there from you. I have not erased any PMs since mid-August 2005. If I ignored you, it was completely unintentional.
I did stay away from the thread that you started in response to the most recent right to marry thread. Along with eight other posters, I received a warning (with absolutely no explanation) over the summer when a couple of others were banned. Your thread seemed a little too "hot," especially since Carey had already called Rulz out for being a bigot in the original thread and others (myself included) explained why we agreed with her point of view.
I completely understand what you mean about not being able to be friends with certain people. I am more or less the same way. I try to be friendly with everybody on OT. I even send apology PMs and post apologies in the public forum if I feel that I have crossed the line. (Of course, there is an exception. I absolutely loathe one particular individual.)
Being friendly, however, is not the same as being friends. You're right: it's a damn hard thing to do to consider somebody a friend when they openly express "I like you as a person. I just don't think you deserve the same rights I already enjoy. Let's enjoy a beer together while we pretend that I don't treat you like a second-class citizen."
Anyway, if I ignored any PMs then it was not intentional and I apologize. I did not even realize that you had been carrying that around for so many months...
I am very late to the party on this, but I just wanted to say I am happy you found OT Lasann, and remember you posting on BB (which is how I got to RTVW myself--during the Jun/Alison season--I needed someplace to spew my hatred for those two :-) ).
Anyway, I get worked up over there too and try not to take things personally, but it can be hard.
And I get Arkie and Augie mixed up all the time too. All.The.Time.
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