Graduation Picture

Graduation was a joke. I didn't apply myself in high school. I was painfully shy. I don't know how I got the grades to graduate.
Growing up in a small southern Ohio town was very easy in some sense and very sheltered but I hated it. I couldn't wait to graduate and leave town. After HS I enrolled in a business school called Portsmouth International Business College or PIBC. The school had a heavy international student body. I met some amazing people. One girl, Candy was from the Domincan Republic. She was such a hoot. I remember thinking that she was the absolutely wildest girl I had ever known. There were three girls from Nicaragua. They were not at all shy about the fact that they were sent there to marry an American. One married a local boy. She was very thin and pretty. I can't remember her name. Another named Rosa was not so lucky. The one that I became close to (her name is Maria - I can't believe I couldn't rememger it until today) fell in love with another international student from Tailand. That was my first experience with any predjudice except black/white. Her parents were appalled. It seems that their culture saw the orientals as lower than blacks (remember this is the 70's). She said her parents first wanted her to marry an American, then another Nicaraguan, then maybe an African American but never, never ever an oriental. She said that it was illegal for an oriental to enter Mexico (to drive to her home land) without a special permit which was rarely given. They married against both family's wishes. His name was Anon. He described Tailand as a beautiful country and had pictures of his head shaven for some religious ceremony. After I moved away I lost touch with them. Then about a year later I ran into them in Columbus. We had a great reunion. Then for some reason her family relented and let them go to Nicaragua. About 4 months after they were in Nicaragua the huge earthquake hit Managua. They were caught in the midst of it. I remember hearing about the earthquake when driving home for the weekend. I cried so hard that I couldn't see the road. They, luckily survived. I got a letter about 2 weeks later. They came back to the USA after the earthquake. I eventually lost touch with them. I can't remember how and why. I hadn't thought of them for many years and don't know why I did today.
A few questions:
So who have you lost touch with?
Do you have a graduation picture to post?
Did you enjoy HS or are you like the majority of us who would never, under any circumstances like to return to those confusing days?
Next - moving to Columbus and having some really wild times. This is building up to "How We Met".
Hey Lasann, we're about the same age. I graduated in 1970, too! I love your grad pic. I'd post mine if my scanner was working.
As for the questions:
So who have you lost touch with?
My friend Muffin, who I saw more of after HS than during. She and I lost touch back in 1981, and I called her old number one day, but didn't realize it was her when she answered with a business name. I still have her number in my book and will call her again someday. I guess I should make it soon, as I'm not getting an younger.
Do you have a graduation picture to post?
I have one, but have a broken scanner. One day about 10 years ago, I put my black and white photo in a frame, and my husband decided to put a copy of his in a frame to sit next to mine. We don't look like a likely couple at all. I would love to post the pictures someday.
Did you enjoy HS or are you like the majority of us who would never, under any circumstances like to return to those confusing days?
I did not enjoy HS, except for Art class. I am going to post a story about this on my blog soon. I was shy, like you, and had a few friends, but kept to myself a lot of the time because of the confusing home life I had.
I graduated in 1979. I didn't have pictures taken in my senior year, so no graduation picture to post.
I didn't do much in high school. I was an extra. I didn't have a speaking part.
I don't keep in touch with anyone I met in either high school or college. Haven't SINCE high school or college.
Silvergirl - yea a peep my own age. A friend Muffin, are you serious. I just giggled at that name. I've gone to all my class reunions. Seeing how classmates ended up is interesting.
MTW - "I didn't have a speaking part" - giggle. That's a good line. Most of my best friends now are around your age. We're having dinner with my friend tonite. Sunday she will be 9 years younger instead of 10.
There may be a person or two with whom I've lost touch but for the most part I'm still in touch with those that I want to be. I got back in touch with a couple of friends through and we still email quite a bit.
My senior picture was so bad that my parents wouldn't even put it up in the house. They just kept my picture from Jr. year up on the wall. I would not post that picture of me ever in a million years.
Hated High School. You couldn't pay me enough to ever revisit those years. That's probably why I don't go to my reunions either. I had friends and stuff but my teen years were not good for me. At least not the days that I can remember.
Looking forward to the How we met.*smooch*
Hmmm...I shall leave out the year I graduated. Let's just say it wasn't that very long ago. High school for me was okay - during class hours. I was friends with all different groups of people and had pretty decent grades. There are things I wish I hadn't done, things I'm glad I'd done, and things I wish I'd been able to do. Home life during those years was awful. I was rarely there.
All in all, I'm thankful for those years and I'm glad they're over. I don't think I could repeat them.
I went to my 20 year reunion with my best friend and our wives. He and I have known each other since we were 5. We went because we knew our wives were *way* hotter looking than we deserved! Also, we wanted to see how everyone turned out.
The thing that surprised me the most? People ACTUALLY remembered who I was!!! I honestly could not believe it. Oh, and their memories of me were pleasant! :-)
LOL at Carey's senior picture. I'm glad my parents didn't put my pictures on the wall. My 8th grade picture was absolutely scary.
Momma - I love that you were friends with diverse groups of people. I wasn't able to do that. My group changed through out the years but I wasn't friends with a very diverse group. I am now.
MTW - that's the best thing about reunions. I've gone to all of them (5,10,20,25, 30). Each reunion is different and I enjoy different people's perspection on the experience.
I love the pic and the back ground. This is great.
I'll post my senior picture sometime; we could pass as twins.
Glad you enjoyed it Sonya. One of close friends always said I should write a novel.
Puffy - I knew you were my twin.
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