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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

24 hours and counting

I woke up yesterday and decided to wear a nicotine patch. Yesterday wasn't too bad. I'll admit to lighting a cigarette last night and taking a couple of puffs. I don't know why. I wasn't craving it. Then this morning I lit one while my car warmed up. I don't know why. I wasn't craving it.

On the way into work today it was spitting snow. I had my hood on and head down. So explain how a snow flake was sucked up my nose. Poor snow flake.

I know what I wanted to ask you non-smokers. I understand that the world smells pretty bad. I've been told that the subways in NYC smell like piss. I didn't smell it when I was there. I understand that sewers stink. I know that they steam, but I don't smell them. I am very sensitive to smells but when I smoke I don't smell anything but the worse smells. If I'm successful in not smoking how will I live in the world. I know that people at autopsies put Vicks under their noses. I like Vicks but what kind of idiot walks around with Vicks under their nose all the time. I fear that I will smoke as a defense against the smelling world.

I sat with my son at Urgent Care last night. He has an inter-ear infection. He smelled like oil. I told him. Will I be telling people that they stink? Probably. Another anti-social behavior for me to control.

I was trying to remember how many of you smoke. I know that Bravey does, Nutz does, Glowie is trying not to. I can't remember if Momma does. Or Woe. Or Boo. I'm pretty sure that Weltek, HD, Monsty, Coco, Bob don't. What about the rest of you? Puffy, Geggie, MTW, Arkie, Catt, Syren, CSTL, Jimbo (I think he's a no). Kimmah is around again. What about you?

Do we represent the norm?


Blogger Swami said...

Most people smell clean most of the time. When clean people exercise they get a sweaty smell but it's not a rank, unpleasant smell (well, rarely anyway - lol). Just a sweaty smell.

Most cities have stinky problems in the heat of summer and alleys around bars always smell of piss. I don't know about the subways. City parking ramp's stairways smell like piss too often.

I can tell by their scent if someone is a smoker, usually from 10 feet or so away!

Houses with large dogs often stink, especially if said dogs have been wet in the past 24 hrs. Litterboxes are rarely scent-free.

I don't think you will need Vicks, lol. Autopsy rooms are a whole 'nother level of odor!

8:56 AM  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

I have recently cut down (that's another of my issues I'm dealing with) and I am trying to quit. My mental state is just not right for it right now, but I think I'm going to force myself to quit soon.

I have been a fairly light smoker (only about 1/2 a pack per day), so I can smell it on others when they smoke. It's pretty gross.

Good luck with your quitting!

12:58 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I think that's a realistic fear, although certainly not enough reason to keep smoking. Think of all the GOOD smells you'll be able to enjoy!

Nope, I'm not a smoker. I've smoked a few cigars in my life, but never a cigarette. I have enough other bad habits.

1:12 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Swami brings up a good point. Consider the fact that others won't think you stink.

1:13 PM  
Blogger Lasann said...

Swami - LOL. Since I own a cat and smokers live with me I won't be able to go home!

Nutz - I can smell it now that I've cut down.

Kim - cod I need the positive people like you. Think of the great things I'll be able to smell - so true. And I do hate it that I stink.

I'm struggling today. I'm to the point that I'm feeling that 1/2 of a cig won't hurt!!!!! From my experience it's the 3rd day that is PURE HELL!!!

1:16 PM  
Blogger Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

You can do it!
You can do it!
You can!
You can!

Good luck to you in quitting Lasann!

1:24 PM  
Blogger Lasann said...

Thanks Mom2. Today is hell day. I broke down and smoked on the way home from a friends house last night.

It's 8:37 a.m. and I'm a nut case already!

8:38 AM  
Blogger Emily RugBurn said...

If Puffy doesn't smoke, it's a bad day for irony(!)

Emily <----- Hates smoking, and wishes all hopeful quitters much success.

11:20 AM  
Blogger Kimmah said...

I don't smoke, but I am the child of a smoker and now I am uber-sensitive to the smell of cigarette smoke. I never even noticed it when I was living in it, but now I gag when I walk in my mom's house or get in her van. I have to wash all of our stuff when we get home from a visit, even if it's still clean because the smell just clings to everythings. My parents do not notice the smell of the smoke at all.

I'm suddenly very affected by smells--especially cooking smells. It's almost like I'm preggo again. Oh, and the smell of unwashed hair on my children just gags me, too.

You can quit--you need to quit. You will be healthier, albeit aware of stench, and happier in the long run. plus, think of the money you could spend on clothes (or booze).

8:11 PM  
Blogger mm said...

I'm a non-smoker too. Good luck, Lasann. If you have a bad day, don't it let it stop you from trying again the next day.


3:32 AM  
Blogger Lasann said...

EM - I'm hoping for success also.

Kimmah - yes my sense of smell when I'm not smoking is like being preggers. My Dbf and kids smoke so my clothes will stink to me.

MM - I'm taking it one day at a time.

I don't know if I'll make it. I smoked 3 cigs yesterday. My one in the morning waiting on my car to warm up and 2 in the evening. My son was over. I smoked my last one this morning waiting on the car to warm up. I know I'll buy another pack because not having a pack is like waiting to have my head cut off.

My dad carried an unopened pack around for months every time he quit. He always started again. *sigh*

7:33 AM  
Blogger Puffy said...

Puffy<---non-smoker. How many times do I have to tell you guys that "Puff" was my cat? :) *whacks EM*

I can smell smoke on people's clothes and hair. I didn't used to smell it years ago when more people smoked.

You've just shown that some of your smoking is habit, even though you didn't crave it. It doesn't make it easier, but perhaps easier to understand.

I'm with Kim in the cigar corner. I've smoked a couple of cigars in the past, just for the novelty of it.

2:09 AM  
Blogger Syren said...

I did not for a long time...then some shit happened and instead of drinking myself into a stupor I did. But no I do not on a regular basis. Although there have been two times now in the last few months that I have had to HAVE one while I have been drunk. The next day, I hated it...because he does not smoke and I know he hates it when I do.

1:20 PM  

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