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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Friday, July 18, 2008


Have any of you been in counseling? I found it very helpful during my son's teenage years as well as the divorce period.

Rehab had me fill out a questionnaire about depression. Of course it showed that I'm depressed. Who wouldn't be with my many diagnosis'? But then depression has been a life long problem for me.

Yesterday was a busy day. I went to a Stop Smoking one on one, did my exercises at the rehab center, and then meet with a counselor. I blabber on and he calmly gave me feedback. Evidently he's a believer in the inner child because he brought it up a couple of times and asked me questions about my parents and how I feel they treated me. He also suggested a book about living in the now. All this is because I evidently hate myself or I'd quit smoking.

So Bravie - tell me how it really was quitting. If you okay it I'd like to call you and get your experience. I think I have your number from a night of drinking milk and Weltek calling me.

For relaxation he asked me what I like to do - what relaxes me - what makes me happy. So what makes you happy? What activities do you enjoy? These questions are for you'all. I answered with three: driving my convertible (I just got it fixed after two years of it being sick), swimming, and traveling. I can now do the driving if I can afford the gas. I get a free, wind swept feeling driving a convertible. It's much safer than a motorcycle. Swimming is something I love. Well not exactly swimming just being in the water. I can lay on my back for many, many minutes without moving a muscle. It's so relaxing. I don't have a pool - boo. Travel is soooo expensive. So on the drive home I brainstormed for something I could do that I would enjoy. There are the normal answers of my children, my husband (for those with one). Oh yes, I also enjoy spending time with my bff. She's in Virginia and I can't tag along 24/7. Other than family what do you peeps enjoy.

Also during my drive I thought of all the peeps I've come to know in this box and came up with three of you that I always enjoy. There are three or five or seven others that I enjoy greatly also but haven't followed as closely. The three of you seem so grounded and I've never read a post or entry that shows an out of control ego or judgement of others. Just all around good people. I'm glad I've had the opportunity to laugh and sometimes cry with you amazing peeps. Maybe later I'll do an praising entry for each of you. Hints: one I've met, one I'll meet soon, and one I hope to meet.

Does living in the now mean I don't look around the house and see all that I need to do?

Update: Tuesday I had the ultrasound of my carotid arteries. My doctor is on vacation this week so I guess I'll know the results early next week. My neck is aching more than I remember. I'm guessing that I'm just more aware of it.

I'm 70% sure dbf (we are still trying to get the love back) are doing New England in August. Anyone between Columbus and Maine who have time - let's do lunch - or whatever.

Then Chicago.


Blogger kim (weltek) said...

You are one of the most open peeps I know. You are very open to learning more about yourself and changing. I love that about you.

I've been to counseling a few times as a teen and once as an adult (literally one session). I guess to me, living in the now from a therapeutic standpoint means not avoiding or expecting things based on past experience. It also means not dwelling on what should've or could've been.

Hm...things I really enjoy. Painting and decorating rooms, cooking, walking nature trails and reading are my big favorites. Not much else captures my attention for long and relaxes me.

*hops* Chicago is coming very soon!

12:20 PM  
Blogger dragonflies said...

You are one busy lady! I've only been to counseling re: DH's alcoholism, and that was with him. Group settings were very interesting. The one on one with him and a social worker was painful for me emotionally.

Things I like doing? Well, I guess it depends on my mood. Sometimes I like being amongst my friends, sometimes I crave alone time, especially if I haven't had any for a while. When alone I like to sit outside on the swing, reading a book. I enjoy playing on the computer. I enjoy flirting. I do enjoy sitting at my kids' swim practice talking with other parents. I really enjoy sleeping, but my bed doesn't like me much, as if I get more than 7 hours I get a back ache.

I love peep meets.

10:04 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

*sigh* Sorry, I don't get around as much as I used to. But yes, feel free to call me. Allen Carr's book, The EASYWAY to stop smoking was the absolute that made it simple to quit. I still crave one now and again but then quickly remind myself why I don't want to smoke and it passes. Call me.
As for therapy...I am currently in therapy. Started about 5 months ago and it has made a huge difference in my life. HUGE. Again, call me.

7:50 PM  

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