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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Amazing things in life

1. Healthy children - that's a #1 in my book. Although they are trying at times, they are healthy.
2. Good friends - I adore my bestests. My longest relationship is with my bestest who lives in Virginia. We've been close since 10th grade. She's my reality check. She has no qualms about telling me the truth - and I need that.
3. Good family - my brother and sisters are great people. They have too many trials and tribulations in life, but they are basically great human beings - loving and caring. My brother never has any money due to supporting his kids, one which the mother preferred him to disappear. He would never do that. My youngest sister is hilarious and smart. Her youngest has some form of autism which they need diagnosed but she doesn't have the money. Through it all she's still wonderful. My oldest sister has mellowed. She'll be 60 next year and she's the kinder than she's ever been.

Other things I've enjoyed the past couple of week:

I was catching up on my gardening which had been neglected since my surgery. On the side of the house we have a large, skinny evergreen tree (I don't know the names of evergreens). It contacted a bad case of 'bag worms'. As I was trimming out the damage I made friends with a rather awesome looking grasshopper. He was standing his ground on part of the tree as I trimmed. I talked to it throughout the process. He just turned his head from side to side and watched. A couple of days later when I went out to look at the tree he walked out on the tree and gave me a smile. I really think he did. I plan to check on him tonight. He'll die when the weather turns cold, won't he? I hate that.

As I was talking to him that first day I suddenly became aware that if the neighbors were watching they'd think I've gone batty (I have), what with caring on a conversation with a tree. I talked to that grasshopper like I do my cats. You animal people do talk to your pets like children, don't you? I'll never forget seeing my dad talking to our itty bitty dog, in that voice we use with little children. People who talk to animals like that are the kind souls.

A lady at work was talking about canning vegetables. Do any of you do this? I think this is a great thing to do. My mother canned for some time until she started freezing vegetables. I remember watching her (no I didn't really help - I'm not domesticated) boil corn on the cob, cutting it off, putting it into tupperware like containers, and freezing it. I should take up a domestic hobby like this. Maybe making jelly, or sausa, or something.

Am I the only one who loves Cao Boi's eyes and expressions?


Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Healthy family members are a great thing. Something we can all take for granted.

LOL at your grasshopper friend! I talk to the cats, but in a normal voice.

I usually can tomatoes, salsa and hot peppers. I should do more.

I'm intrigued by Cao Boi's eyes. Not attracted, just intrigued.

1:39 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

I'm happy to hear your children are healthy and that you have a good family and good friends.

My family sucks LOL.

*SNORT* that the neighbors might see you talking to a tree. If you do see a neighbor watching you, give the tree a hug LOL. I could never talk to grasshoppers or spiders. I either run away or shoo them away.

Yes, I certainly do talk all giberish and babyish with my cats & dog. I give them silly nicknames and call their names in a sing-song way. I'll sing out Bibaaaaaaliiiiicoussss! And when I call for Papooso, I'll sing out Papoooooooooosiiiiiii!

I have never canned anything. I'm not domestic in that way.

Hmmmmmmm I'll have to look at Cao Boi's eyes again. He looks insane LOL.

3:01 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I think I look silliest when I look at naughty Bartleby with my hands on my hips & shake my head, saying "B" in a scolding voice and angry eyes. I'll have to post some naughty B pictures on my blog. Chris took a few yesterday.

3:50 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

Hi Lasann - my first visit to you blog.

My mom used to can a whole room full of stuff every year. It was hot, sweaty work and I have never been tampted to repeat any part of it except for making raspberry jam a few times. Homemade jam is so yummy!

Cao Boi is an old hippy; I am very comfortable with his attitudes and eyes - love is probably too strong a word, but I like him.

*looks at posts below*

Used to be, OT-banned people tried to come back quite a bit.

Monkeyboy was the most persistent of these. He made about a dozen come-backs that I'm aware of, some of them pretty darn funny.

Then there was the spike-in-his-eye guy, I forget his name. He came back a few times but his style was so distinctive it always gave him away.

I think people can easily come back for a brief time period and stay under the radar at least until there is a problem that triggers a moderator purge. I know one guy (banned in 02, I think) who did that a couple of times before he got bored with it.

There used to be a couple of posters I was sure were retreads (based on style) who were never outed. As good as the mods are at sniffing out former posters I'm sure there are a few peeps clever enough to have made it back.

Since I left about a year and a half ago (not banned - I left voluntarily) I have only read OT maybe a dozen times, usually in response to something happening in blogworld. I'm not a lurker type.

3:58 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

I hope Cao Boi lasts a while.

2:28 AM  

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