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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

ETC. (eccetra, eccentric, extra careful)

I've been neglecting blogger with all the TV I'm watching. And all the Survivor games. I've made notes of 12 things to blog about - here's 3.

TV Schedule

I was so lost with all the new TV shows debuting. And since we have shitty cable channel 6 is now 11, channel 4 is now 13, etc. I was so confused. So yesterday I opened excel and started a spreadsheet with the days of the week down the column on the left with 8,9,10. Across the top I put ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, OTHER. Then I got on all the websites and made a schedule. (How very compulsive of me right!). I've not watched survivor as a rule, but after reading over there that it is the BEST reality show I'm trying it. And, of course, I have to play (Those have individual spreadsheets also). It's just too time consuming.

Oh, I was talking about my TV schedule. Monday's are ok, with the Class (I loved the debut), How I Met Mother (so so), 2 1/2 Men (so so and getting old), and The Adventures of the new Christine (I love it). Then Studio 60 conflicts with What About Brian.

Tuesdays are dull but I watch Dancing with the Stars for now - also my first whole season. I watched the debut of Help Me Help You with Ted Danson last night. I think it will be a good show.

Wednesday's are totally not for me.

Thursdays - Thursdays - WTF. At 8: Survivor (see above), Earl (I love that show), and Ugly Betty (I'm looking forward to seeing if the hype is better than the show). What will I do? Then my 'Can't Miss TV' with Grey's at 9. Why or why do the networks put all the best shows against each other. Can't they share, say CBS get's Monday's, ABC get's Tuesdays, etc. My head will explode on Thursday's.

Friday - I like Ghost Whiperer but it's getting old. Men in Trees have been pretty good so far.

Saturday - I'm not sure there's anything worth watching which is good because Dbf will be home starting next week. Overtime at work will be ending until later in the year.

Sunday - 8 TAR, 9 Desperate Housewives, 10 Brothers and Sisters. I think Brothers and Sisters will be a great show. But why did they kill off one of my fav tv stars in the first episode. Sunday is my perfect night, with only one show per hour!

Remember the day when a movie star wouldn't evah, evah be on a TV series. That has changed. Let's name the times: Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen, Keifer Sutherland, Sally Field.

Banned OTers

Do people who are banned from OT just get a new name? Has it happened often that they come back? How many do you know of? Who are they? Would you come back?


Anyone else start the insanity of collecting the state quarters? When I start collecting something I can't stop. If any of you need any, let us know here. Puffy and I are doing an exchange and I've started saving some others just in case. If Nutz can keep one car running she will get us her list also. I was in Canada the year they released their new quarters. I bought them ALL at the same time, in a pretty collector thingy. I don't know why I bought them but it was great to get them all at once instead of over 10 years.

What else have you collected? Silly stuff like: McDonald toys? My neighbor used to make fun of me because if I got one toy in a collection I had to go back and get the rest. You can't have only one transformer in a series, you need all 6. I have two year's of Teeny Beenie baby's in a drawer. Why do I have them? What will I do with them? Will anyone want to buy them? Will I be able to part with these if someone would buy them?

Topics 4 thru 6 soon.


Blogger mm said...

I'm tivoing Ugly Betty from the Soap network, so we can record the other stuff too. It sucks that they do that, cramming all the good shows together.

My DD collects quarters. I love seeing the new ones come out, but would never be able to remember which ones we had, or needed.

I don't purposely collect anything, but I *do* seem to have little collections going. Like lip glosses.

Banned posters? Hmm, I think the ones who come back are newbies from the show forums. I don't know of any banned OT peeps coming back.

4:11 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

Your TV show list is similar to mine. Yahoo has a TV grid that you can personalize to your area. I use that sometimes. I also like the new Brad Garrett show, "Til Death" on Fox at 8 pm on Thursday. On Thursday, there's The Office and ER, too. Three shows on at 8 pm makes it very difficult. I didn't know that "What About Brian" was back on.

I sent you a few messages via email, pm and blogland that I have 3 quarters for you, but am now actively looking for more on your list. Like you, I am saving others in case someone else, like Nutz, wants them. Thanks for sending me the quarters; it was exciting to put them in my "quarters holder thing."

I also have the McDonalds teeny beanie babies. And a whole bunch of other beanie babies, too. I enjoy collecting cat stuff, too.

4:52 PM  
Blogger arkie said...

I watched The Class, and I think I'm going to like it. I also caught Brothers & Sisters, and IMO, it's a keeper, too.

I collect the state quarters, also.

9:35 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Glad somebody likes The Class. I think the concept has some potential, but the acting hasn't wowed me. There's no one character I latched onto like I do with most shows.

I LOVE How I Met Your Mother. I'm completely enamored with all the characters. I never liked Allison Hannigan (sp?) previously, but I even like her now. Otherwise I'm only watching Survivor, TAR, The Office...and everything else isn't really "must see" for me. I've found I'd rather read a book or exercise than watch something I'm half interested in.

Banned Blows Peeps...most newbies try to come back with new names, but usually get caught. Most old-timers know it's pretty easy to track and are so angry they'd rather just cut their loses. Plus, for old timers, most disgruntled or banned just have different places to play together now & stay away from Blows.

I don't really collect anything. It's never been my thing, even when I was a kid. Sometimes I wish I collected things, but it's just not in my blood.

10:05 AM  
Blogger mtw said...

TV - It IS getting complicated. I am watching the Monday comedies you mentioned except 2.5 men because I can't stand it. Studio 60 is VERY good. I liked What About Brian in the summer and will likely watch it if it's back on.

Nothing on Tueday ro Wednesday interests me except Biggest Loser, and then Lost when it starts up again. Thursday is a nightmare and I'll either need to get out the second TiVo or do like MM said and record something from an alternate channel. My must see is The Office, Survivor, TAR, Lost and that's about it.

I don't collect stuff. DD si collecting the quarters. I'll have to se where she is with that.

5:18 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

I agree that TV is way too complicated. There seem to be a few new shows I want to watch, but have decided not to because I can't keep up with the old ones I like. I was thinking of watching Heroes, The Six, and Ugly Betty, but have missed the previews and decided my plate was already full.

I did catch Jericho and will continue with it until I get bored. So far I am actually enjoying it. Or could it be Skeet Ulrich I'm enjoying? :-)

The ones I do watch are (in order of weekly apperance): Gilmore Girls, Lost, Survivor, The Office, Ghost Whisperer, TAR. That's it for me.

Collections? Who? Me?

Augie <--- collects way too much crap, including the state quarters.

9:25 AM  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

I am only watching TAR, Gilmore Girls and ER this year. Once in a while, I catch Deal or No Deal. I just don't have the time to get wrapped up in anything new.

LOL @ me keeping one of my cars running! I still haven't had time to organize my quarters. I rock at procrastinating! :)

11:13 AM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

TV this season is CRAZY! I keep telling DH that we MUST get tivo. Or, figure out the dern VCR's!

The only state quarter that I got was the Georgia one.

I know of one banned OT person that continued to come back once in a while. She would create a whole new persona. She eventually stopped (I think).

12:38 PM  

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