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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Insanity or Why me

1. I seem to have a problem. I wake up every night somewhere between 2 and 4. Last night when I woke up I realized I was having a bad dream. My mouth was cotton and my heart was racing. I thought I was going over the edge, into the abyss. I took a pain pill, for no apparent reason other than they make me sleep. I woke up today feeling wonderful. I can see the attraction for abuse here.

2. I completed my gifting. As usual I'm pretty insecure about whether it will be well received. I got something in a cool shade of pink!

3. My laptop is being looked at for damage assessment.

4. Big Brother time of the year makes me manic.

5. Do kids ever grow up? Seriously! Are you all grown?

6. Lists make me melancholy. See below.

7. What's the meaning of life? Is it to squeeze every enjoyment out? Is it to experience pain? Is it just boredom? Procreation? Recreation? Separation? Castration? Emulation? *now I'm just being silly*

8. Is it true that if you want to emigrate to Canada you need $10,000 in cash? Or is it $100,000? Someone at work told me that. I have a total of: One dollar two ninety-nine. What happened to your poor and weary? Oh, that's us.

9. It sure has been hot. People are wanting fall. Not me. The boredom and darkness of winter are close enough. I'll take hot over cold.

10. I ran into a neighbor at the grocery last night. I haven't seen her for a couple of years. She talked to me for 15-20 minutes in front of the frozen pizza case. I just wanted to get home and put the pizza in the oven.

11. I've heard that winning the lottery can make you miserable. I want to be miserable as I travel around visiting all of you. Please make me miserable.

12. I'm thinking about learning Spanish. Is it to late for my brain to comprehend?


14. *giggle* There are just some things that need to be said. If said things are bothering you for over an hour, then it's best to get it out. right? will i be banned? have i said lately that i ****dispise**** him. Some find him bravely trying to get his point across, i find him ignorant and purposely inciting.


Blogger kim (weltek) said...

-I took some Wal-Som (Walgreen's brand of Unisom) this weekend. I took double the normal does, as one doesn't do it for me. When I have trouble getting to sleep, this helps. Maybe you should get some of that. A lot better for you than pain pills.

-I still sometimes make stupid decisions. I hate that about myself. However, 90% of the time I'm a stellar grown up.

-I wouldn't move to most parts of Canada because I already think Wisconsin is too cold. And I don't have $1000, let alone $10K. <----that seems silly...I think someone is just spewing standard relocation costs (movers, down payments, etc).

-Chris goes fishing at a friend's a few hours away. Everytime someone comes up to go fishing, the friend buys five Powerball tickets and says he'll share it with whomever is there fishing with him. It's his incentive for people to come and visit. LOL!

-Learn spanish! I want to take another class so I don't keep forgetting what I've learned.

9:40 AM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

Sleeping pills usually make me feel too groggy the next morning. I hate having trouble sleeping though. I hope you get some good drug-free sleep soon.

I'm sure your giftee will appreciate the t-shirt. Don't worry!!!

It's not free to emigrate to the US either. Like Kim said, there are relocation fees as well as legal fees. It cost thousands in legal fees for DH & I to come to the states.

I really hate reading stories of people who have won millions in a lottery and their life is ruined because of greed or not managing the funds properly. I always think I would do it right and be happy LOL.

10:36 AM  
Blogger dragonflies said...

Hi Lasann! I'm trying to expand my blog horizons.

I totally agree about your winter/summer point. I despise winter and cold weather, so I will gladly tolerate hot hot hot. It is 95F hot here today!

3:24 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

I think a lot of us sent/received pink shirts.

A glass of wine before bedtime has helped me sleep lately.

No, kids never grow up.

3:55 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

When I can't sleep I get up. This sounds pretty stupid and I may have the odd zombie day - but the next night I sleep just fine. I have never taken a sleeping pill.

Your gift will be appreciated. We're a happy grateful bunch, us bloggers.

I have grown strangely fond of Eric & Jessica even though I didn't like either when the show started and Jessica's squeeky little voice still grates on me.

I think RL I am always grown up. Online, not so much.

Life has no meaning, it just is. People give it meanings.

Canada is nice. I could live there again.

I love Fall. Not cold; not hot - just perfect! It is never dark when there's snow on the ground. Even reflected starlight is bright enough to see by pretty well

Why would you want to buy pizza?

7:45 PM  

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