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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

That's more like it

Wow, what a difference the weather can make. I'm feeling more like me - much happier. And I'm now 10 pounds lighter and don't have to buy clothes in the Women's section. Okay, just barely into Misses, but there none the less.

Smokey is doing quite well. The test results, unfortunately, show that he has (or is a carrier) of Feline Leukemia. The vet and I were hoping that he is a carrier only. However, his blood tests show a decrease in white blood cells. The good news is that all his other blood tests are normal. His x-rays don't show any tumors. The x-rays do show a misshapen heart on the left side and she did detect a slight murmur. To have further testing on his heart is another $300, so I'm going to hope that his heart holds out. The vet is mixing up some medicine that we hope will boost his immune system and I will be forcing antibiotics down his throat for his mouth infection. The bill was only - $504. Geesh! However, since I don't take him to the vet for regular checkups, over his 11 years I guess that's not too much money.

Will my Vegas trip ever get here?


After the peep meet in Seattle I'm considering two different week long adventures:

The first is a trip down the coast first staying 2 or 3 days in Seaside, OR at a resort my timeshare owns. Then staying somewhere in Northern California for 2 or three days and maybe somewhere else. Then I would end my trip in my FAVORITE city San Francisco! Woo hoo I'd get to meet Bravie and the California peeps.

The other option is rather industrious. I would stay in Seaside the same two days. Then I would travel inland and spend one or two nights in Portland. From Portland I would drive 7 hours and spend a night in Boise (I've traveled through the upper part of Idaho but never spent any time there). The next day I would check out the Boise area and leisurely drive to Twin Falls, ID (2 1/2 hours) and spend the night. From Twin Falls I would again drive leisurely (3 1/2 hours) to Salt Lake City and spend the night (that would qualify me for visiting Utah). The next day I would hightail it to Reno (8 hours) where I would spend two nights. From Reno its a 4 hour or so trip to, yes, San Francisco where I would spend a night or two.

From what I've read the shore line in Washington, Oregon, and northern California is not a pleasant place to swim due to the water being cold. Is that true? Will it be warm enough to swim in July?

I'm leaning toward plan #2 as I enjoy driving and stopping wherever I find something interesting. And #2 will leave me with only New England to visit (well, honestly, also North Dakota - opps and Alaska). Then I can plan a Europe trip in a couple of years.

I've ordered the carpet for my house. I have decided to begin sleeping there when the carpet is installed (to protect it from my boys and their friends) and move the remainder of my stuff after that. I'm am moving very slowly. If the weather cooperates and the rain doesn't wash me out, I am moving something every two days or so.

Has spring put a boost in you?


Blogger Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

Vet bills are one of the reason I was hesitant to get a pet... we do have a Beagle, and he hasn't cost us much yet! *reminder to self to go buy dog food today!*

Sounds like you are having fun planning your trip! Are you trying to visit all of the states?? I do love Seaside OR, we stayed there many years ago with some friend! I LVOE the coast!

11:22 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

Tom and I did that Coastal drive in reverse a few years ago (from SF North to Seattle) and it is spectacular! Especially the Oregon & Northern Cali coasts! We took about a week for the trip and stopped wherever the mood or the beach seized us. (This was in May so very few people were swimming - mostly surfers in wetsuits.)

I think in July you would need confirmed hotel reservations and not just trust luck when you felt like stopping.

The only thing I hated about the Coastal highway in Cali is that there are no decent restrooms anywhere. Gas stations don't have them. I had to use satellites several times, and I hate that and they are disgusting! I even went in the roadside weeds a few times because it seemed like the better choice.

We get spoiled in the midwest where nice, clean restrooms are everywhere.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Lasann said...

Mom2 - yes I have a goal to visit all the states. Some I'll admit to only driving thru (Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Idaho). I'm may visit them later but I'm not to anxious to go to them. I would like to see England, France, Spain and Italy in Europe. I was good friends with a guy from Thailand some years back and would like to see Thailand, but I'm not sure I will.

Swami - no decent restrooms, ick! Luckily I can go quite awhile without using the restroom. I've driven from LA north to Cabria and San Franciso south to Monterey and just north to Muir Woods.

9:21 AM  
Blogger Glowie said...

so Smokey doesn't show any signs of kidney failure? That's a good thing. And no $504 isn't that much.


1:58 PM  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

*does happy good weather dance*

Yay on the weight loss!

{{{hugs}}} for the kitty. :(

My sister used to live in Seaside, OR. I vote for trip #1 only because that's what I would do.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

Congrats on the weight loss!

8:38 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

It really is too cold to swim in our oceans up here unless we are having a massive heat wave. It gets a little better the more south down our coast that you go. I've never swam in our ocean up here without a wetsuit. SoCal is warmer though.

10:24 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Both trip options sound good. You can't go wrong with your decision.

*smooches and scritches for Lasann & Smokey*

10:30 AM  
Blogger Puffy said...

*imagining Bravie in a wetsuit*

12:25 PM  

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