It could only happen to me

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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I really don't want to do the whole quiz, but a friend told me a joke yesterday which fits the quiz.

STATE TO DISPOSE OF: Idaho because no on wants to be Ms. I Da HO.

That's all.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Happy dance.

That's all!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Faux Paux

1. Is that how it's speeled? How can something be spelled like that but be pronounced foo paw? Anyhoo, I have a fashion faux paux today. I wore white shoes before Memorial Day. I know, it's shameful! I apologized to the guys in the smoke shack today and they said they'd try to forgive me.

2. Moving is awful! I've moved 99% of my clothes, 99% of my garage stuff and tools. I also moved all my bedroom furniture and the kitchen table. Oh and 99% of my kitchen stuff. The rest, which is a lot, I could probably live without. Why do I have so much stuff.

3. I have my favorite rings on today. They are sapphires set in white gold. Two of the rings are a dark blue, the other a more medium blue. I'm going to try to sell some of my rings on e-bay, once I figure out how that works. I bought too many and I need some cash.

4. I just found out (last night) that my hanger-on boarder (he was living there with my sons) is still on heroin. WTF! He told me that he quit. My sons are a lot like me and my sister in that we never tell secrets until we get mad. My son was quite upset with him and spouted all kinds of stuff. For some time now I've been, gently, telling him he has to leave. He's had many excuses and has told me many times he was going to stay with either his dad (another city up north) or his mother. I do have trouble kicking anyone to the street. The homeless population is bad enough. But he has to go. As soon as he comes out of his room when I'm home I'll get stern. Being home feels good, abeit with a few problems like this.

5. My Dbf and I are still "seeing" each other. He has turned into the nice, kind, thrifty, helpful, cheerful boy scout that he was before we moved into his house. Men!

6. Someone keeps buying hand lotion and putting it in the restroom at work. It's a nice gesture but I never use it. Do you think people are using it before they wash their hands? Or using it and not washing their hands?

7. I just went back and put this in list format!

8. Seattle is probably out. I was so excited. My money situation has taken another turn downward. Plus there are only a few peeps going that I'm dying to meet.

9. Who was the "bitter old hag". I never figured that one out.

10. Over there, do you call each peeps and invite them to a thread jack? I can be there various times and nothing is happening. Then the next day, or later in the day, I see there has been all kinds of hilarity going on. I don't have much snark anyway. My brother found me hilarious, a few close friends do also. But in general, I'm too serious. Do you think Weltek and Bravie can refer me to a church that will help build my snar-i-ness?

I think I have to stop at ten, plus this.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Drunken Challenge

It was good to talk to Kim (and hear Carey in the background) but I was bored to death in the SLC airport on the "lost day" traveling to Ohio from Vegas. Boo had such a good time in SF that she didn't return to Vegas with enough time for us to meet. It's okay (no it isn't), I'm glad she had a good trip (psych).

First off, my son won $800 the first day!!!!! Woo Hoo.

He proceeded to lose it all over the next two days.

The challenge: What OT peep would you like to have a date with and get to know better? Given my sexual orientation, that leaves me with only two choices: MTW or Boner, both married men. One of my bestest (Nutz) has dibs on MTW and I find Boner to be an extremely interesting Texan (yes there are a few). So Boner wins this privilege. (Help keep Geg off of me, 'k).

I so wanted to be in SF last week!

Why are no bloggers going to Seattle. Just me and Kim - WTF.