It could only happen to me

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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

This is my sister's kids.
This photo gives many possibilities. Which is the youngest? Which is me? Which is my brother (*giggle*)?

This is my son's friend's little boy - cutie!
This is also on of my son's friend's (the one who just joined the Army) little girl. The curly hair is cute now, but she will hate it later

Kids are so cute.

*sticks tongue out at Seattle peeps!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


My mind is racing from one thing to another. Funny, though, I'm basically not doing anything. I can't seem to focus.

I finished reading American Fascists - The Religious Right and Their War on America. Wow, worthwhile reading for anyone who wants to find the underlying reasons why VP Cheney thinks he's King.

A Republican friend of my said he would read the book if I read 100 People Who are Screwing Up America. I did. Didn't impress me. Michael Moore was #1 - snicker. If I had to choose between fearing Michael Moore and Pat Robertson I wouldn't pick a film maker.

My family was here over the weekend. I always enjoy being with them. For me, it's the most comfortable situation I can imagine. All the shared history. We have differences in opinions, but not radical differences. I'm always baffled by people who don't feel this connection with family. My brother was a pretty despicable person, but in my view, he was my mother's son - she loved him - so I did also. And, under his thieving, self-centered soul, there were some good qualities. I sum it up by a bad analogy: If a friend stole $10 from a neighbor I would be upset - if they stole it from my family I'd be insanely angry. Maybe that sense of family comes from my Kentucky roots and the Hatfields and McCoys - *giggle*. At least for us, when it comes right down to it, there will never be anyone except family when things go terribly wrong. Blood family that is.

My son was picked up for questioning and returned home. Maybe my prayers were heard. On the same vein as above, my younger son had to make a choice between his closest friend and his brother. I've very proud to report he chose his brother.

Right now I'm reading one of Sylvia Browne's books "If You Could See What I See". My sister has announced that she is a Gnostic based on Sylvia's beliefs. I guess you could say I'm searching for my spirituality.

My 5 state road trip was to begin Friday. *sigh*

My boys are in WV visiting my brother and his daughter who won the title of Miss (insert county name). She will preside over the fair next week. Last weekend she had a dance competition in my town and we all went to watch her, in shifts. She's very pretty and talented. We want her to try for Miss WV. I've been told that it includes alot of fund raising and corporate sponsors. After the fair I'm going to see if I can garner support for this. My x's family are also from WV, another part, but perhaps through them I can get some fund raising in their part of the state. I'll go to the site and try to get a picture.

Dbf and I are going to Florida in two weeks. I pay for the time share monthly and he is going to pay for most of the expenses during the week, so it's basically free for me. I would have preferred Seattle but don't have the extra cash. A week at a beach may be what I need, however.

Just wanted to let you know that things are good.

Have fun!
Lookee what I found.

Monday, July 02, 2007


A very serious incident happened Thursday night. My son's actions may land him in jail. I'm so sad. He needs someone beside me to talk with. There is no one. I'm trying to decide how to get a psychologist or something. I actually considered taking him out of state. Instead we holed up in the house Friday through Sunday. I had to come back to work today. I'm worried about his mental state also.

After sitting around Friday and Saturday I got busy yesterday. I pulled all the blinds down and scrubbed them in the bath tub and then hung them outside. I cleaned all the ceiling fans, applied Old English to the one bed, washed all the sheets and comforters, swept all the floors. My son cleaned my gutters and I did some weeding. While weeding I felt my hip pop out and back in slightly. That was scarey. I would stop for a few seconds to watch the concert for Diana.

My family is coming over next weekend for the 4th. Let's see there is: my sister from North Carolina and her husband and their 3 kids; my brother from West Virginia and his 2 kids; my other sister who lives across town and her daughter. I'm calling my aunt tonight. I always enjoy these get togethers.

I'm suffering from a summer cold. I'm on Dayquil and Nightquil.

I'm glad it isn't just me who is locked out over there.

For some reason I watched the finale of Charm School. I didn't like any of these girls very much but I liked the girl who won the least. Yeah, yeah a sad story perhaps but she is anything but charming. I don't even know her name (or any of the other's). Saphy something or the other.

I also watched "The Last King of Scotland" about the reign of Amin. That was brutal. I'm still reading "American Fascists". I recommend it for serious reading.

The realization that there is more evil in the world than I've allowed myself to believe is scary.

Will the meek inherit the world or will evil rule forever? I'm surrounded by insanity and it is closing in.

Aren't you glad you stopped by today. *sigh*