It could only happen to me

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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I'm furious today

After spending some time being abused by a bill collection pened this to her company:

Amy was extremely rude and, having all the power in the situation, bullied me. She used these tactics continuously during the call. She basically called me a liar by saying, “You didn’t pay this on-line or I would be able to pull up the information”. As evidenced by the attached, this is untrue. Being so confident that she was the only “right one” and having no true conversation ability, she just kept repeating herself over and over, cutting me off. Of course, as bullies do, she accused me of the behavior she was exhibiting. She rambled on and on, getting louder as she spoke telling me not to talk over her. When she would take a breath or temporarily stop rambling, I would ask if I could talk to explain. That set her off to rambling again. I asked numerous times to talk to her supervisor. She treated this request by ranting about my uselessness and her extreme abilities. It only takes one over-aggressive bully to drain the energy from a person in my situation. This letter is sent in hopes that you have a recording of this call, at 12:19 p.m. on 6/28, so you can ascertain Amy’s attitude and another person doesn’t have to suffer her hostility.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A bit

1. As you all know I like British accents and admire their use of language. Since I can’t remember all their phrases and am not good at the inflection needed I’m starting small. I’ve lately heard the term “a bit” used, as in “We need to discuss this for a bit”. I know, kinda lame, but I’m incorporating it into my everyday language.

2. There is a big internet crack down going on here at work. Evidently, an hourly was emailing some porn like information. He was walked out and from what I’ve heard 3 supervisor’s computers have been confiscated. I spend so much time on OT and reading here that I’m going to have to limit my use, for a bit.

3. I just receive a call from my mortgage insurance lady telling me that my house didn’t pass inspection for insurance. The hand railing up to my stoop is missing. I have 2 weeks to get a replacement. I have no money for it. I’m going to have to be a bit creative to replace it.

4. I watched my recording of the Princes of England last night. That Harry is such a hoot. I could become a cougar if I could get a bit of him. I’d only use him for a bit. That face, that wonderful red hair, that sarcastic humor – swoon.

5. I had a going away party for my son’s friend this past Saturday. He is joining the Army and leaves this Sunday. Unfortunately, his family (other than his drunken mother) didn’t take the time to come. We had a good time anyway. It’s so sad that no one in his family has a stable life so that he can leave his possessions with them. That is except his grandma who is the sweetest lady. I wonder how she gave birth to a bunch of hoodlums. It’s a bit disheartening.

6. I picked up the book American Fascists – The Christian Right and the War on America at the library Monday. I just started reading it today and I’m so into it. The author (Chris Hedges) has all my instinctual thought perfectly on display. I’ve only been reading it for a bit (25 pages) and I could have 100 quotes already. For instance:

Faith presupposes that we cannot know. We can never know. Those who claim to know what life means play God. These false prophets – the Pat Robertsons, the Jerry Fallwells and the James Dobsons – clutching to the Bible, offering to lead us back to a mythical paradise and an impossible, unachievable happiness and security at once seductive and empowering. They ask us to hand over moral choice and responsibility to them. They will tell us how to act, how to live, and in the process they elevate themselves above us. They remove the anxiety of moral choice, the fundamental anxiety of human existence. This is part of their attraction. They give us the rules by which we live. But once we hand over this anxiety and accept their authority, we become enslaved and they become our idols. And idols, as the Bible never ceases to tell us, destroy.


Dominionism, born out of a theology know as Christian re-constructionism, seeks to politicize faith. It has, like all fascist movements, a belief in magic along with leadership adoration and a strident call for moral and physical supremacy of a master race, in this case American Christians. It also has, like facist movements, an ill defined and shifting set of beliefs, some of which contradict one another. For instance, focus on what I say, not how I act.


God has not chosen Americans as a people above others. The beliefs of Christians are as flawed and imperfect as all religious beliefs.

I would like to do this as a book club discussion with the pre’s of the world.

7. And lastly, I have been watching recordings of “The Actor’s Studio” in the absence of any other TV of interest. I do love watching these interviews. I find interest in their early life, their family situation as a child, what drives them to act and seeing them as a real person instead of a character. My favorites are Angelina (what a complex character she is), Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino – well I enjoy almost all of them. From the show’s questionnaire develop by Bernard someoneortheother:

What is you favorite sound?
What is your least favorite sound?
What profession would you like to try?
What profession would you never want to attempt?
What is your favorite curse word?
If heaven exists, what would you like God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?

Birds chirping on a clear, cool spring/summer morning.
Doors slamming
Actually, acting
Police Officer
My favorite would have to be the one I save for RARE occasions, and won’t even type out in full – gdamn
You were correct all along and you won’t see any of the “moral majority” here, they are with the child molesters. Enjoy your stay!

8. My laptop is broken. WTF will I do during Big Brother if I can blog at home. Let’s just pray that I don’t get in trouble here at work (because we all know that I won’t be able to resist the threads) and forced to retire.

9. OT has been a bit fun lately.

10. Lastly, really this time. My britches are a bit in a bunch because I can't go to Seattle!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

One word

1. Where is your cell phone?
2. You're single/taken?
3. Your hair?
4. Your mother?
5. Your father?
6. Your favorite thing?
7. Your dream last night?
8. Your favorite drink?
9. Your dream car?
10. The room you're in?
11. Your ex?
12. Your fear?
13. Where were you last night?
14. what you're not?
15. Muffins?
16. One of your wish list items?
17. The last thing you did?
18.What are you wearing?
19. Your pet or pets?
20. Your computer?
21. Your life?
22. Your mood?
23. Missing some one?
24. Your car?
25. Your work?
26.Like someone?
27. Your favorite color?
28. When is the last time you laughed real hard?
29. Crush's first name?
30. Dream job?

Thursday, June 07, 2007

This and That

I've decided to let my hair do what it wants. It's too damn hot to straighten it. I'm considering cutting it off again. My hair is such a problem to me.

I thought I'd be funny and took this picture in Vegas and was going to label it "Happy to be meeting Boo".

This one is "Sad because Bravie kept Boo in SF".

And, I'm making a list of what I wear each day and judging them. I need to weed out some of my clothes. I have too many clothes and some look hideous on me. I have the opposite of anorexia - the body image part. I think I'm thinner than I am. When I see a picture I can't believe I'm this fat. I've lost 17 pounds, but still. I only gain weight in one place - mid section. I have no butt, skinny arms and legs and no extra rolls on my back.

Have I mentioned how happy I am that I can walk without pain. When I get melancholy I try to remember the pain I had for two years. I'm going to go to all the festivals downtown this year. And I'm even going to the State Fair. I CAN WALK.

I am a great aunt to these lovely children.

I'm thinking that time is fleeting.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Lookee what I did again

As soon as I moved back to my house I had to paint my wall.

And a pic of my Kachina Dolls.