It could only happen to me

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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Monday, October 29, 2007


I made the bloggie rounds today. Impressions: CoCo has the cutest kids I've ever seen; Monsty is gone, at least I can't access her blog; there's pictures of a banana with glasses; Kim's blog is going strong and I so enjoy it; Arkie's is so conversational; Syren is missing as I have been; Cat never poops; Mark had a close call; Nutzy is driving by; Augie has taken a 6 week break; Glowie is going to be pregnant in '08.

My today issue is my calf muscles. My Dbf is putting his house up for sale so I agreed to paint while he worked this weekend. Fact - ladders have a small rung to stand on which makes a user stand on their toes, or at best, the front of their foot. My calf muscles are bleeding muscle blood. When I got up this morning I almost hit the floor from the pain. This indicates that I need a treadmill on a regular basis.

Life changing news: My plant is closing and the work is going to Mexico with final test in Texas. Whether I will have a job in '08 is up in the air. The Union is meeting with the company to work out the specifics. The good news is that I am pension eligible and I'll get around $90,000 when I leave. The bad news is my pension is too small to live on and if I don't invest the $$ the taxes will take most of it.

Renewed patriotic actions: I've renewed my usual "Buy American" banner. Where will us Americans work? What happens when we are no longer the monetary giants of the world? The slippery slop, in my opinion, will bottom out in 50 years or less. When we are no longer a monetary giant we are no longer a military giant. We've pissed off most of the world at this point and will be no more valuable than, say, Macedonia. I'm thankful for the time I was born and the place I was born. My grandkids, no so good for them.

Switch: OT has been quite the playground. I do read the posts every weekday but have become mainly a lurker.

First frost day was today. bbbrrrrrrr!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Blah blah

I haven't been very social the past weeks. Nothing particularly wrong.

I have developed some new insights to the people around me. I am an easy mark. I strongly believe that most people are good and since "most" doesn't equal "all" I often don't realize evil until it bites me.

On the home front: my oldest moved to WV and my youngest has a job!!! He has a real job, however since it's construction related it may not last the entire winter. But he is paying his bills!! I've done some upkeep on the house.

On the job front: zzzzzzzz!

Although I dread the coming winter I do like the cooler nights.

OH, a picture was posted on OT a couple weeks ago that left me very very very scared (and scarred). I've spent most of my online time over there but hope to blog-hop the rest of the week.

Anyone with word on Survey. I sent a card a month ago but no word.

Anyone enjoying the new tv season. I love Cane, maybe because I love Jimmy Smits. I do DVR quite a few shows but none have me hooked. The last two shows that hooked me didn't last a season. Survivor doesn't really interest me tho I'm watching.

Ho Hum!

10 Favorites...
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: Mexican
Favorite Band: Journey with Steve Perry
Favorite Movie: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
Favorite Sport: Futbot (Soccer)
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Day Of the Week: Saturday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Favorite Time of Day: Early a.m. before the world gets noisy

9 Currents...
Current Mood: Bored
Taste: Caesar Salad
Clothes: Jean shorts, vibrant pink short sleeve top, light blue sandals
Current Computer Background: Flowers
Current Finger/Toenail Color: Plumy color on toes
Current Time: 10:42 a.m.
Current Surroundings: messy office
Current Annoyance(s): Fatigue
Current Thought: Why am I tired?

8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: Kathy
First Love: Barry
First Screen Name: dunno
First Pet: Taffy
First Piercing: Ears
First Crush: Adam Cartright
First Music: Temptations
First Car: Green 1971 Pinto7

Last Cigarette: 10 mins
Last Drink: Grand Marnier Friday evening - straight
Last Car Ride: On way to work
Last Text Message: I don't text message
Last Movie Seen: (at the theatre) The Bourne Ultimatum
Last Phone call: Son
Last CD Played: Barbra Streisand

6 Have You Ever...
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Yes
Have you Ever Broken the Law: Yes
Have You Ever Been Arrested: Yes - small incident when I was 18 yrs, 10 days
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: No
Have You Ever Been on TV: No
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Yes

5 Things...
You're Wearing: Jean shorts, vibrant pink short sleeve top, light blue sandals
You Did Last Night: Read
You Can Hear Right Now: The cooling system above my head
You Can't Live Without: Family
Do When You're Bored: Watch TV

4 Places You've Been To: **we were just talking about these prepositions at the end!!**

1. San Francisco
2. Hawaii
3. NYC
4. Cancun

3 People You Can Tell Anything To:
Candi, Darcy, youngest sister

2 Choices...
1. Black or White: Black
2. Hot or Cold: Hot

1 Person You'd Do Anything For: