A very serious incident happened Thursday night. My son's actions may land him in jail. I'm so sad. He needs someone beside me to talk with. There is no one. I'm trying to decide how to get a psychologist or something. I actually considered taking him out of state. Instead we holed up in the house Friday through Sunday. I had to come back to work today. I'm worried about his mental state also.
After sitting around Friday and Saturday I got busy yesterday. I pulled all the blinds down and scrubbed them in the bath tub and then hung them outside. I cleaned all the ceiling fans, applied Old English to the one bed, washed all the sheets and comforters, swept all the floors. My son cleaned my gutters and I did some weeding. While weeding I felt my hip pop out and back in slightly. That was scarey. I would stop for a few seconds to watch the concert for Diana.
My family is coming over next weekend for the 4th. Let's see there is: my sister from North Carolina and her husband and their 3 kids; my brother from West Virginia and his 2 kids; my other sister who lives across town and her daughter. I'm calling my aunt tonight. I always enjoy these get togethers.
I'm suffering from a summer cold. I'm on Dayquil and Nightquil.
I'm glad it isn't just me who is locked out over there.
For some reason I watched the finale of Charm School. I didn't like any of these girls very much but I liked the girl who won the least. Yeah, yeah a sad story perhaps but she is anything but charming. I don't even know her name (or any of the other's). Saphy something or the other.
I also watched "The Last King of Scotland" about the reign of Amin. That was brutal. I'm still reading "American Fascists". I recommend it for serious reading.
The realization that there is more evil in the world than I've allowed myself to believe is scary.
Will the meek inherit the world or will evil rule forever? I'm surrounded by insanity and it is closing in.
Aren't you glad you stopped by today. *sigh*