It could only happen to me

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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Really? Really!!

Today is Friday. I returned to the neurosurgeon to have a follow-up MRI, actually a MRA. This was at 8:30 this morning. I waited and waited. Then I was to see the doctor. I waited and waited. The original reason for seeing her was what the reader of my first MRI thought could be an aneurysm. I may have mentioned that. She said that the area of concern was slightly enlarged but not of consequence. However........however, it seems my carotid artery is completely blocked. As she was explaining this my mouth was agape and my eyes blurred. WTF. I thought you died if this happened. She explained that there are four arteries to the brain. Yahoo says there is a carotid on both sides (news to me) and they each branch. Yahoo also talks about surgery but said that if it is 100% blocked surgery isn't done.

She asked me to return for a neck MRA. I left at 11:30 and had to return at 1:45. I shopped for a few things I needed. I had the second test, with dye, and left.

This is what I hate. Waiting for a doctor to tell me what they suggest.

I just want a total body scan!!

Oh, I spent the weekend in WV trying to help my brother, son and niece move. It was a cluster-fvck.

I'm talkative when I'm sick - aren't I.

Friday, June 20, 2008

It Could Only Happen to Me!

The title of my blog.

When I visited my family doctor Monday she signed me up for a MRI. I was having headaches which are rare. Due to having a brain tumor (non-cancerous mengioma (sp)) removed in 1998 and the fact that my neurosurgeon retired three years ago she wanted to re-check my brain. I agreed because I never turn down test. I felt all would be ok.

Thursday (yesterday) my doctor's office called and said, "We have made you an appointment with the same neurosurgery group, Dr. so and so. She can see you tomorrow at 11." Sensing my wonder she asked, "Have the nurses called you to discuss your MRI?" No. "Well you have an aneurysm." As I said - IT COULD ONLY HAPPEN TO ME.

Just to summarized my woes:

1. 1998 in the middle of a divorce - I have a brain tumor
2. Christmas eve 2002 at 2:00 A.M. my house burns almost to the ground.
3. April 2004 I break my hip.
4. May 2005 I have my first heart attack.
5. June 2006 I have hip replacement.
6. 2007 was healthy but I move out from DBF.
7. This May - see below.
8. Now this!!

Soon I will be full of metal.

More on each later.

On the bright side I have reservations in Chicago and am looking forward to it. I planted some annuals Wednesday and my gardens are looking okay. I have masses of thistle weeds that I can conquer.

I cleaned the bathroom walls and floor today. Off to take a shower and do the sink and tub.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We all dream of being off work and having more time. Right now I have all the time I need. Being of weakened condition, or out of fear, I've been lazy.
I have spent quite a bit of time sitting on my deck listening to the bird. We have so many birds. I never knew this before. I guess I was so busy rushing around to sit and listen. There are two bluejays. I think they are very attractive birds. I've heard they are very mean also. I've been trying to get a good picture of one of them. He lands on my deck when I'm sitting there. My cat doesn't like it at tal.

He's blurry.
My cat.

I don't remember when the trees in the neighborhood became real trees. When we moved in in 1979 they were babies.

It looks like a forest.

Flower picture again:

Life and death - I spent a lot of time on these.

What am I going to do with the rest of my life? Well, I went to an Obama meeting last night. They are attempting to get neighborhood captains for voter registration and house meetings. In downtown Columbus we have huge, huge 4th of July fireworks downtown. There will be an Obama booth and they need volunteers. I love working booths at fairs. You meet so many people. I want to volunteer but I'm not sure I can take the heat yet.

I'll probably drive to WV tomorrow to visit my brother and oldest.

Morning shows - I prefer Good Morning America.

Enjoy the sound of birds!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The low down

Well, Saturday before last, started as most Saturday's do. I got up, ran an errand or two, did a little gardening. I got in the shower around 1:00. This is when I started feeling badly. My chest felt tight and my left arm felt weak. I tried to talk myself out of feeling odd. I started and stopped washing a couple of times. Then I just gave up, got out and laid on the bed. I put a Nitro under my tongue. It didn't help. I tried another. This one helped a little so I was encouraged. I got up to go to the bathroom and the discomforted started in full force. I returned to the bed and took another nitro.

At this time the arguing with myself began. Should I call the squad? Of course not! Yep, I'd better do it. Nope, I'll be ok. Time is important. Back and forth.

When I finally called I almost hung up. Once 911 answers you are committed. I gave them the information and got up to get dressed. Here I debated on what to wear (bra? because of the EKG wires). I got dressed, with bra, and went and sat on the porch. Sitting on the porch I called boyfriend and left a message. A friend of my son's is staying with us and I told him to call my son. Squad came, I walked into the grass to the stretcher. They started an IV (in my hand which I usually don't mind but he hit a nerve for my middle finger's knuckle and ouch it hurt). On the way we go. Now this part I like - the cute firemen; the banter; the being important part.

We arrive at the EMR. Vitals are taken, EKG done. The girl typing on the computer is asking me soooo many questions and I'm beginning to hurt. I tell her I don't want to answer all these questions. She gets huffy and says, "When the doctor comes he will ask me lots of questions." I reply, "then let him". She and her partner leave the room in a huff. Now this room is in the middle of nowhere (as EMR's go). No desk, no people millin about people. I'm left there for quite some time. I manage to get the side of the bed down and get to my purse and get my cell phone. I call my boyfriend again and talk to him. I call my movie friend and leave her a message. I wait. I wait. It's beginning to be more and more uncomfortable. One of the Squad guys walk by and see me bent over and rocking myself. He runs off to get someone. He returns and tells me that he told them and that he "guessed" they would be right here.

Finally the doctor arrives, sits on my bed, and in a condescening voice asks, "What do you think is wrong with you?". I blabber about the discomfort in my chest, arm, neck. I compare it to my last heart attack.

He says, "Well your vitals are normal and so is your EKG. So what do you really think is wrong? I think you may just be hyperventilating!"

When I tell it, at this part, I like to say that I looked and him and said, "I'll show you what's wrong!!". In reality I looked at him and said, "Well it hurts more than last time. I think I'm having a heart attack. (Suddenly my hands begin to fell numb and I lean back, lift them and look at them) I may be hyperventilating because my hands are numb."

At this point, according to who you talk to, I flat lined, coded, or as my cardiologist put it - my heart began producing a rythym that isn't conductive to life.

Next thing I know I'm looking into the faces of strangers who all have an odd look on their faces. It's so plain and vivid to me. Bright lights and these odd faces looking down at me. Then my boyfriend is on my right side. I just kept looking around the faces when a lady to my left stands up and announces that she is from chappel services and that it is normal procedure for her to be here to support the relatives of any patient that codes. I looked around the faces again and ask, "Who coded?" To which they responded, "You did". Wwwwhhhhaaaatttt?

At this point I'm vaguely aware of conversation as to whether I shoud be taken to the cath lab now or whether my cardiologist likes to first see me in EMR. I am whisked though the hall way to the cath lab where a doctor I've never seen before announces that I'm having a heart attack and he is going to fix me. I am vaguely aware of them prepping me, and me tellining the doc my story ( Of I'll show you) when I feel like someone stabbed me in the groin. The doc says that that is just the numbing process to which I reply I don't think so.


Next thing I remember is voices telling me to lay still, explaining that a nurse will be standing by me applying pressure to my groin and my chest feeling like a hot poker has been applied to it. My boyfriend is there for a minute looking pained, my son appears, then my ex, then my movie friend (who I remember almost getting run over by a big machine), my sister who I ask, "How did you hear?" We've been in a sorta feud for awhile.

The horrible news that I once again coded in the cath lab is told. The nurse is leaning on my groin and I can't move my head or right leg for 6 hours. I'm very tired and I'm told to lay still and breathe. And the pain in my chest is from them beating my chest, the paddles, or as I like to say, "Them throwing me around like a rag doll!".

Well, Kimmah, that's the story. I got out Wednesday where another story begins. I'll keep that one for later.

Sigh again. I think I need a new heart. I also think I need to make some life changes.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Damn It

Another Heart Attack. Saturday.

I'm home now.

Damn It.

I was supposed to make my Chicago reservations. I'll try tomorrow or this weekend.

Damn It.