It could only happen to me

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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a mother, a lover, a sister, a friend to some, an acquantance to many. I'm easy but not stupid. I wish life was a year long trip!

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Quick update:

I woke up Monday night with sharp chest pains.

I went to the EMR.

It wasn't my heart . but my lungs. I have pneumonia.

I got out yesterday (Wednesday).

That's why I was so tired!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Meme from HD

1. If my life were a drinking game, everyone would do a shot when...
I click on a new blog or thread overthere.

2. The Rat Packer I most identify with is:
B) Sammy Davis Jr. - odd one out!

3. The first famous person I liked was:
Pernell Roberts on Bonanza

4. If I had to gain 30 pounds, I would eat:
Mexican food.

5. Choose one: A) The Rolling Stones; B) The Beatles
John, George and Ringo only.

6. The person I'm mistaken for most often is:
Uh, no one lately. I was once told I looked like Patty Hearst – when she was kidnapped. That started my fear of being arrested for a crime I hadn't committed!

7. Pick a Jessica: A) Jessica Alba; B) Jessica Biel; C) Jessica Simpson; D) Jessica Tandy

I sadly have no opinion other than I despise Jessica Simpson!

8. The worst advice I've ever received:
"Don’t sell those stocks. Keep them for the future (price went from $95/share to .35 – now staying at 2.35 - purchase price $11”

9. After a long day, I like to kick back with:
A) Martini; B) Cold Beer; C) Pinot Noir; or D) Chamomile Tea.

E) A Big Boy and a Coke!

10. The most underrated performer is:

Morgan Freeman

11. The thing I've wanted to buy but am just too embarrassed to purchase:

I'm embarrassed to purchase anything - at this time.

12. My porn name is: ___________________(childhood pet + street you grew up on)

Taffy Summit!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Private thoughts

My little book of wisdom gave me this today:

"Keep your private thoughts private".

Too late for that!

Yesterday when I went out for lunch I saw this elderly lady in her wheelchair. She was in the road, in a lane, and when the light changed she crossed the busy street. Now that's desperate to "get out of the house".

It reminded me of an incident last week. I pulled into McD's. This McD's is at the busy intersection of a street that leads to an assisted living place. There was a lady in a wheel chair in the McD's parking lot, under a tree, sitting there looking at the sky. I so wanted to walk up to her and cheer her on (I assumed she had escaped for awhile).

I may sleep all weekend!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Diagnosis Needed - send funds also

Please diagnose me:

I just took three days off work. Yes, three in a row for no reason – well there were reasons. I will list my symptoms and my guesses at a cause.


I have been having some type of chest discomfort for two weeks. It’s not pain, per se, but it is uncomfortable. It’s more an ache.

I have been having headaches constantly. I almost never have headaches. They weren’t disabling, just achy. Throbby when I laid down.

My neck starting aching Friday night.

Sunday night I had a little bit of flu-bowel issues.

Monday morning I just couldn’t get up. I slept until 2:30 in the afternoon. I woke with an achy body – from knees up and elbows in – trunk aches with partial limbs. I slept all evening Monday, Monday night and got up Tuesday around 1 p.m. I was unable to sleep Tuesday night until really late. Wednesday I got up around 9 a.m. and stared at the TV.

No further fluid issues after Sunday night.

Did I mention that I didn’t even call work until Tuesday night. I just didn’t want to call! Couldn’t -??

Friday I was informed by a close friend that I look OLD!!

Don’t forget I’ve bought every ring that has crossed my sight and I’ve maxed out. I don't even want alot of them anymore.

My two bestest don’t want to live, my oldest son is lost, my youngest son is getting laid off (we were aware that his job might only last 3-6 months), my foster daughter has disappeared.


I’ve lost my mind permanently.

I lost my mind temporarily – bi-polar disorder. (I’ve always suspected this but everyone says I’m not bad enough for a diagnosis – HI HI HIGHS, low low lows)

I am being a stubborn heart patient and not heeding good advice to visit the local EMR.

Carey gave me the bird flu.

My lungs are shot and aching partially out my limbs.

I’m vain.

Subject Change

My “Life’s Little Treasure Book On Wisdom” written by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. called me to open it today.

“Get involved in your local government. Politics are too important to be left to the politicians”


Heard on the radio this am on the way to work:

Two farmers are discussing politics. One farmer proclaims that he is netural, politically speaking. The other farmer replies, “Well then when you leave here put your car in netural and see how far you go. At least if’n you put your car in D you’ll go forward and if’n you put it in R you’ll go backward. Netural won’t get you anywhere!”

Baaaaawwwwwwaaaahhaa. Snnnnnooooorrrrffffllle! ROFLMAA!!!!!!!!

Me loves me some farmers!

LUNCH UPDATE - immediately when I got into my car Steve Perry was singing Separate Ways. If it would have been Lights I might have driven straight to the bay.

- - New diagnosis - -

Maybe I just need to come to SF with Arkie, or Kim, or someone!

ON THE BACK OF A SEMI - Hooter inspection 65' ahead - WTF!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Yesterday when I pulled into the parking lot at work I noticed my gas light. Sooo, after work I decided to go visit my son and get gas in that part of town (it's always cheaper). No, I didn't run out of gas (thank cod). Instead I made an astute observation. WHOEVER let car makers put the gas door on either side of the car needs BTHU (blown the hell up). I pulled into the gas station and saw the scrambling for gas pumps. I waited awhile for the confusion to die down, but I was 10 or so miles past the warning light and running out of time. I successfully pulled between two cars (who were at the first pump) and angled into the last pump. Another car was unsuccessful at this. As he was carefully going between the two cars and almost to the open pump someone backed into the pump he was aiming for. I heard a very loud "fuck". I'm old enough to remember when all gas tanks were filled from the driver's side. Then those damn Honda's appeared and now even American car makers put the gas lid on either side. It's a mess and I'm nominating automobile makers as the asshats of the day.

Then this morning I went to the doctor to get the results of my blood screen. Yep, my cholesterol is still out of whack but my triclycerides are way high. She's putting me on another drug, which combined with my current drug can cause some nasty things. She informed me, again, that I have bad jeans (only Jordache fit me properly) or genes. Well I know that I'm in between the 52 at which my mother died of a heart attack and 63 when my dad died of a heart attack. I have to call the cardiologist. Oh, and I'm due for a gyno exam.

But this trip this morning had a more irratating happenance. I went through McD for my breakfast (cholesterol be damned) and the drive through girl didn't give me a straw for my drink. Now I'm pretty good at eating and driving but it's impossible without a straw for my drink. Imbecile!

I forgot to talk to my grasshopper last night.

Mario Lopez's dance made me wet. He's sooooo hot!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Amazing things in life

1. Healthy children - that's a #1 in my book. Although they are trying at times, they are healthy.
2. Good friends - I adore my bestests. My longest relationship is with my bestest who lives in Virginia. We've been close since 10th grade. She's my reality check. She has no qualms about telling me the truth - and I need that.
3. Good family - my brother and sisters are great people. They have too many trials and tribulations in life, but they are basically great human beings - loving and caring. My brother never has any money due to supporting his kids, one which the mother preferred him to disappear. He would never do that. My youngest sister is hilarious and smart. Her youngest has some form of autism which they need diagnosed but she doesn't have the money. Through it all she's still wonderful. My oldest sister has mellowed. She'll be 60 next year and she's the kinder than she's ever been.

Other things I've enjoyed the past couple of week:

I was catching up on my gardening which had been neglected since my surgery. On the side of the house we have a large, skinny evergreen tree (I don't know the names of evergreens). It contacted a bad case of 'bag worms'. As I was trimming out the damage I made friends with a rather awesome looking grasshopper. He was standing his ground on part of the tree as I trimmed. I talked to it throughout the process. He just turned his head from side to side and watched. A couple of days later when I went out to look at the tree he walked out on the tree and gave me a smile. I really think he did. I plan to check on him tonight. He'll die when the weather turns cold, won't he? I hate that.

As I was talking to him that first day I suddenly became aware that if the neighbors were watching they'd think I've gone batty (I have), what with caring on a conversation with a tree. I talked to that grasshopper like I do my cats. You animal people do talk to your pets like children, don't you? I'll never forget seeing my dad talking to our itty bitty dog, in that voice we use with little children. People who talk to animals like that are the kind souls.

A lady at work was talking about canning vegetables. Do any of you do this? I think this is a great thing to do. My mother canned for some time until she started freezing vegetables. I remember watching her (no I didn't really help - I'm not domesticated) boil corn on the cob, cutting it off, putting it into tupperware like containers, and freezing it. I should take up a domestic hobby like this. Maybe making jelly, or sausa, or something.

Am I the only one who loves Cao Boi's eyes and expressions?